Some great gigs and a little TV

Category: News

The Twin Cities Hot Club at the The Timesevery Sunday at 8pm. After my sucessful classical guitar debut last month, I decided to add upright bass to my list of interests and have my first gig with the Southside Aces on Feb. 8 at the Nomad. It may be a passing fancy, or a lasting deal, but where do I put it!? I love my guitars!
On Feb. 10 tune into the The Travel Channel at 9pm, Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern will do a feature titled ‘Sexy Foods’ The Ladies from Lili’s are on the show and I composed the music for the program, now if I only owned a TV and had cable, invite me over and I’ll bring the pizza!
I will join Rhonda Laurie at Cave Vin, be sure to stop out, Laurie has a great voice and a book to match. The Hot Swing Combo will take the stage at The Cedar for a great dance open to everyone, only $7. I must add that it is probably my favorite venue in Minneapolis and I am there for the third straight month in a row!The Twin Cities Hot Club will join Arne Fogel, the Twin Cities early swing authority at Heimie’s Haberdashery on Feb. 20th, great venue, dinner at Kincaids to follow. Kafe 421 with the talented Andrea Sander-Connett, we have quietly been working up a diverse repertoire, come have a listen and enjoy food at one of the Twin Cities better restaurants.