The Times

Category: News

The Times Bar and Cafe in NE Minneapolis has temporarily closed untilfurther notice. It is uncertain how long The Times will be closed, pleasehope for the best possible outcome. The reasons behind the closing arecomplex and a tiny miracle is needed right now. As of this writing, TCHCis wishing the best for the owner, his family and the staff at The Times.

The contributions made by The Times to the Minneapolis entertainmentexperience has a long, rich and deep history. Live jazz featuring the bestmusicians Minneapolis has to offer in multiple genres as well as aplatform for up and coming musicians all the while never charging a coverhas proven a successful formula for over 20 years. An incredible venue,such that many artists chose to record their performances and make themavailable for commercial release. Great food and a dedicated staff with ahistoric NE Minneapolis location, The Times is one of the businessesresponsible for the NE Minneapolis resurgence. An extremely supportive andunderstanding owner that enabled artists and audiences as well as dancers to connect weekafter week is something rarely achieved by jazz clubs. The possibleloss is to Minneapolis is extremely unsettling.

The support audiences have shown The Times and TCHC is very muchappreciated. The weekly performances with TCHC were still very successfulas we approached our fifth year, but there are many factors contributingto The Times being closed at this moment.

I have received emails from many of you and this is very generous and appreciated. Feel free to contact me with additional questions. I will post updates as they become available.

*TCHC will perform at Four Seasons Dance Studio on 02/22 and The Dakota on 03/01- we hope to see you there as we continue the tradition that was started at The Times.**The Time will not re-open, chapter closed.